The hotel was very clean and welcoming. The staff was kind and very helpful when we first arrived.
We did not know there was a curfew to when the hotel doors would close and be locked. There was one night my friend and I stayed out past midnight and when we returned to the hotel, the doors were shut and locked. We stood outside knocking for about 5 to 10 minutes before someone came to the door and opened it for us. It would have been nice to know that the doors shut and locked at a certain time of the evening.[2019-05-09 03:56]
客服很有礼貌和热情。招带外国旅客多,所以环境很好。酒店位置闹中带静 干净服务热情 会推荐给朋友。被我淘到了,服务很好,早餐很棒,免费提供点心和茶,老婆一直赞不绝口。